Katy J Pearson – Talk over Town – Heavenly Recordings

Katy J Pearsons 2020 album release of Return is quite possibly the most confusing oversight of 2020. Released in turbulent times it was a non stop spinner in our house, the sort of record you play and immediately are asked “who’s this, and why don’t I know about her?”. Being remixed by Yard Act early on and generally being regarded by her contemporaries as sublime, hasn’t planted her into the hearts of the nation quite yet (here’s hoping).

Talk over town serves as a sample for the new album “Sound of the Morning”, which will be released in July this year. The intro has more than a resemblance to “under the pressure” by War on Drugs (no bad thing) and progresses to Katies more familiar folk/acoustic bass heavy style, of course her vocal delivery is as usual without fault.

Have you fought all the wars in your head?
And out loud, I’m screaming out.

The singles serves as a perfect introduction to Katy’s new body of work. Let’s hope that 2022 brings a new audience and appreciation for her new and existing body of work.